Institute Events
Events held by the Institute of Religion, Politics and Culture at Washington College
Upcoming IRPC Events

Upcoming Events
- The Lawrence Swanstrom '67 Memorial Lecture, Thursday, September 7th at 4:30pm in Hynson of Hodson Hall – Title: "The Truth-Seeking Mission of the University," By Robert George, The McCormick Professor of Jurisprudence at Princeton University. A public reception will follow.

- Constitution Day Commemoration, Saturday, September 17th from 11am-2pm on the Courthouse Lawn in Easton, MD – Event commemorating Constitution Day, with guest speakers, free ice cream, and games
for the whole family.
Past Events
Recent IRPC special guest speakers have included:

Guest speakers
Arthur Milikh, director of the Claremont Institute, on the importance of free enterprise and the rule of law.
- Professor Steven Frankel of Xavier University in Cincinnati, an expert on religion in the thought of Tocqueville, discussed Tocqueville’s classic work “Democracy in America.”
- Attorney Vann Canada, who has extensive experience litigating federal appellate cases, spoke on the administrative state.
- Professor David Corey, of Baylor University, addressed the philosophy of music and the importance of aesthetic appreciation of classical music.
- Nationally syndicated columnist and best-selling author on Christianity and culture Sohrab Ahmari, author of such works as “From Water by Fire” (an account of his conversion from Islam to Catholicism) and “The Unbroken Thread: Discovering the Wisdom of Tradition in an Age of Chaos,” addressed the importance of learning from tradition.
- Baird Tipson, former Washington College president and accomplished expert on American religion, spoke on religion in Colonial America. He attended a reception afterward with Washington College faculty and a dinner with seven IRPC Student Fellows, College senior staff, former board members, and other prominent members of the community.
- The annual Os Guinness Lecture — named after Christian public intellectual Os Guinness, D.Phil, from Oxford, author of over 25 books on religion, politics, and culture — was presented by Professor Bill McClay of Hillsdale College. The event was held in downtown Easton, Maryland, to extend outreach. IRPC Student Fellows attended a dinner afterward with McClay.